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4 ways to learn programming

1. Look at the example code
reading is usually about the words on the page, but learning to program is about code. When u're 1st time learning to program u should make sure to look at, and try to understand, every examples. Look at the example  very carefully, and it often help make the writeups clearer rather than read the code example before the text and try to figure out what they did.

2. Dont just read example code (run it)
when u're reading a programming tutorial or book, its easy to look at the sample code and say " oh yes, i get it ". Of course u get it but u might not get it and u just dont know it. There is only one way to find out - DO SOMETHING WITH THAT CODE!.

Type the sample code into compiler
Don't copying and pasting the code. It will really force urself to go through everything that is there. Typing the code will force u to pay attention to the details of the syntax of the language. Then compile it and run it. Make sure it does what u think it does.

Then Change the code.
The easiest way to learn new language features is to take some code that works one way, and change it.

3. Write down own code as soon as possible.
Once u understand something about the language or even if u're still getting ur head around it,start writing sample programs that use it. Sometimes it's hard to find good ideas for what programs to write. That's ok, u can find some programming tutorial, title and so on in the other site. Try to do it without looking at the sample code and it seems like not to be easy bit this technique can work especially if u tweak the sample code.

4. Seek out more sources.
If u don't understand something, there is a good possibility the way it was explained just didnt click. 1st, look for alternative explanations. Go to the programming website that filled with information about programming and some explanation work better for different people. Mayb u might need picture, someone else might not (for me,i rather use picture. Lol). Try to ask someone else that know about programming and try to figure out where is the point that u didnt get it.

p/s : this is the way i learn programming.

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